Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hans Backpacker Tour around the World

Hi, my name is Hans. I'm a little Playmobil-man from Germany. I was bored by my job in an office, so I left my job, my flat and my whole old life, took my little backpack and started a tour around the world.
Without a job I don't have money for hotels, so I need your help to make my dream come true. I would be very happy, if you would invite me to your place and show me where and how you live, the sights of your town etc. I would like to see many exotic places but I also would enjoy traveling through good old Germany.
I got only one friend left of my old life, Johannes. He ist very interested in my tour, so it would be great if you could take many pictures with a digital camera, write short textes about it and send it to him. He is going to put them into this blog. He also helps me with the organization of my tour. After a stay of not longer than two weeks, please send me back, so I can start a new trip.
I can't wait to see, where I'm going to travel to.
Thanks for your help

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